
Top 15 Incredible Rock Cut Caves In India

Rock cut architecture is the practice of creating a structure by carving it out of solid natural rock. There are more than 1,500 rock-cut temples in India, most of which are religious in nature, adorned with decorative paintings and exquisite stone carvings reflecting a very high level of craftsmanship.

Kalavantin Durg – The Most Dangerous Fortress of India

Kalavantin Durg, also known as Prabalgad fort, was constructed on the top of a spike of rock at a height of 686 m The fort is only accessible by ascending thousands of hand-carved steps which are known as the "climb to heaven".

Kailasa Temple, Ellora — A stunning Indian temple carved out of a single rock

The temple was built out of a single rock, 164 feet deep, 109 feet wide, and 98 feet high, making it ONE of the BIGGEST MONOLITHIC structures on the planet, carved out of a single rock.
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