
Sixth Chamber Unearthed at Ancient Egyptian Mummy Workshop Complex At Saqqara

New evidence shows priest-embalmers were savvy entrepreneurs who offered burial packages for every budget.

3,600-Year-Old Mummy Discovered in Egypt

A Spanish-Egyptian archaeological mission headed by José Galán uncovered an anthropoid coffin containing a mummy dating back to the 17th dynasty in Draa Abul Naga necropolis on Luxor’s West Bank.

Paintings discovered inside coffin of 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummy

The Paintings on the coffin of mummy 'Ta-Kr-Hb' depict Egyptian goddess Amentet. She is set to be displayed to the public at the Perth City Hall Museum from 2022.

Mystery of 550 year old Mummy of Sangha Tenzin

The monk, or lama, known as Sangha Tenzin is probably the only mummy in India to have undergone natural mummification. Buddhist monk remarkably preserved because he started the mummification process while still living.
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