Gagan Josan

The Mysterious Stone Carvings In Unakoti

Tripura has beautiful rock cut carvings and stone images at Unakoti. Most of these carvings are huge in size and made on vertical walls exposed in the open atmosphere.

40 Important Facts About the Indus Valley Civilization

Indus valley civilization is a rich civilization and one of the most important civilizations that existed in the world. Ancient India during the Harappan era had one of the largest populations in the ancient world, far greater than the Middle East or Europe.

12,000 Year Old Rock-art of Tadrart Acacus

The Rock-art Sites of Tadrart Acacus hold thousands of cave paintings that reflect the way of life of different Saharan civilizations.

The Ruined City of Ani

Ruled by a dizzying array of kingdoms and empires over the centuries, the former regional power of Ani is now an eerie, abandoned city of ghosts.

Mystery Of World’s Largest Ritualistic Killing Of Children In Ancient Peru

More than 140 children were ritually killed in a single event in Peru more than 500 years ago. What could possibly have been the reason?

Resemblance Between Story of Noah’s Ark and Manu’s Boat

The Hindu flood myth is found in several different sources. The earliest account is said to have been written in the Vedic Satapatha Brahmana, whilst later accounts can be found in the Puranas, including the Bhagavata Purana and the Matsya Purana, as well as in the Mahabharata.

Ancient Indus Valley Civilization

A vast ancient civilization developed along the valley of the River Indus in modern-day India and Pakistan. For a while, in about 2500 BCE, it was one of the greatest civilizations of the world. It covered more than 386,000 square miles, even bigger than the civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia combined.
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