Lost cities

16 Legendary Lost Cities of India

These cities were once inhabited but due to wars, natural calamities and climate change, they were abandoned many, many years ago.

4,500-Year-Old Sumerian Palace Discovered in Iraq

A 4,500-year-old palace from the Kingdom of Lagash unearthed in modern-day southern Iraq could hold the keys to a greater understanding of Sumerian history.

Massive 3,000-year-old Mayan Monument discovered in Southern Mexico

An enormous pyramid-topped platform, unnoticed until detected with the help of lasers, is the oldest and largest structure yet discovered in the Maya region.

The submerged Temples of Mahabalipuram

Mahabalipuram, the famous centre of Pallava art and architecture, is situated on the coast of Tamil Nadu. The local traditions and the foreign accounts vividly refer to the submergence of six temples out of seven that existed here.

Uruk: The World’s First Big City

Cities began to emerge about the same time in various places around the world. But most archaeologists agree that it is fair to claim Uruk as one of the world’s first cities.

Great Zimbabwe: Stone Ruins of a Civilization

An ancient city constructed almost 1000 years ago and long since ruined, Great Zimbabwe was proof that black African culture, far from being inferior to colonial society, was in fact comparable. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the country’s Late Iron Age.

25 Lost Cities Forgotten by Time

It might be difficult to imagine how an entire city can become lost in time, leaving nothing more than ruins in its wake. Whether due to war, natural disaster, climate change or other reasons, cities have risen and fallen throughout history.

Liangzhu: the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilisation that time forgot

The ancient city of on the lower Yangtze delta, with its sophisticated system of waterways, is astonishing archaeologists and rewriting the history books.

Climate change and the collapse of Angkor Wat

Drill core samples give insight to the pre-industrial city's downfall
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